AVG 香港

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AVG 免費版

AVG 家用防護:


Internet Security

AVG 商業防護:

Anti-Virus 商業系統版

Internet Security 商業系統版









Renewal / License Increase of AVG family of security software products.

AVG family of security software products is published by AVG Technologies.

AVG family of security software products Renewal price : Once license expires, all properly registered commercial customers will be entitled to reduced-price upgrades and license extensions. The renewal price will be 15% off the then-current listed end-user price.

License Increase price :AVG Anti-Virus license increase policy additional licenses purchased under the license increase program will expire at the same time as the originally purchased license additional licenses purchased during the first year of the license period of the original license will be priced at the difference between the cost of the original license and the cost of the new license (see example below) additional licenses purchased during the second year of the license period of the original license will be priced at 15% off of the difference between the cost of the original license and the cost of the new license (see example below) Example: a customer with 10 computers who purchased the AVG Anti-Virus Business Edition (10 licenses) in January has added 8 computers in February of year 1. In order to protect the new computers under the AVG license policy, the customer will need to purchase a "License Increase". In this case the customer would choose the option of adding a bundle of 10 licenses.

Upon ordering the license, customer will receive a new License Number that will replace the original license. The new license will expire in December of year 2 When ordering additional licenses at any time during year 2 of the license period, for example March of year 2, the cost will be reduced by 15%.

Name :

Mr / Ms ?   Male   Female

Title :

Company :

Email Address : (e.g.: you@aol.com)


Phone Number (with country, city, area codes):

Fax Number (with country, city, area codes):

City/Town: State/Prov.:
Post./Zip Code:

Existing License Code (Optional):

Expiry Date of Existing License (yyyy-mm-dd):

Renewal price :
The renewal price will be 15% off the then-current listed end-user price.

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Virus Bulletin
AVG 連續取得 VB100% 病毒公報測試認證。
AVG 防毒系統連續取得獨立【ICSA 實驗室】認證 100% 成功病毒偵查。
Checkmark是測試和證明資訊安全產品的系統, 證明 該資訊安全產品達到世界標準之必備條件。
TUV Monitored Virus Protection certification
TUV Monitored Virus Protection certification
HKSAR Government Info Sec website
香港特別行政區資訊安全網推薦 -AVG 防毒系統。

AVG 防毒系統是由AVG Technologies生產製作。
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